The SEAL's Surprise Bride_Special Forces_Operation Alpha Page 8
She hit his arm. “He’s full of nonsense, and you know it. I wouldn’t count on anything he has to say.”
“You protest too much,” Heath said and kept smiling all the way to her condominium.
They didn’t see a red car or notice anything unusual around her place. Cheryl gathered her few clothes that the intruder hadn’t shredded. She’d go to the cleaners and get the suits that she’d left for cleaning right before someone thrashed her condo. Heath carried the two small suitcases downstairs.
He came back up and walked into the bathroom where she was packing up her toiletries. “Looks like you’re moving in for good.”
“Will you stop repeating what the jeweler told us? We both know this is temporary. You’d hate to have me for your wife. We’ve never gotten along.”
Heath nodded in agreement. “True, but we have done better lately.” He took the small cosmetic and toiletry bags and walked out. In the hallway, he met the next-door neighbors.
“Is Cheryl moving out?” the older lady asked.
“Yes, we’re getting married tonight. But Cheryl will leave some items until she decides whether to put her condo up for sale or rent.”
“Wow, that seems quick. I hope you both are very happy.” Both husband and wife shook his hand.
“I’m certain we will be, thanks.”
“By the way, I may have done something wrong the other day,” the lady said. “My husband told me to tell Cheryl, but I hadn’t seen her since it happened.” She wrung her hands. “I hope it wasn’t important.”
“You can tell me whatever it is.” Heath tried to keep his tone neutral.
“A man was at her door. He had a key and said the manager must have given him the wrong one. He told me Cheryl had reported a leak in her sink in the kitchen. Usually, we can call the manager, and he’ll arrange to have someone come and fix whatever is needed. He has a key for each condo. Anyway, I told him I had Miss Buckley’s key, and I let him into her place. I locked the door as he left.” She wrinkled her forehead. “Did I do wrong?”
“Yes, but nothing valuable got taken. Don’t worry. Let me take these items to the truck, and I’ll come back up. I’d like you to be thinking about what the intruder looked like.”
“All right. I’m so sorry, Cheryl,” she said as Cheryl joined them.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“We’ll explain as soon as I return from putting these bags in the car. Get a pen and pencil for me.”
When Heath returned, she handed them to him. Cheryl’s neighbor told her what she’d said to Heath.
“Tell me anything you can remember about him,” Heath said to the woman.
“A very tall man, he wore overalls like a worker might and carried a small box. He looked the part.” Her voice drifted into a faint whisper. For a minute, she closed her eyes.
They all stood quietly waiting for whatever else she might remember.
“Oh, I know. When the man thanked me and reached for the key, I noticed a mark on the top of his hand. It looked like a cross with a lightning bolt through it. He turned away, and I quickly closed my door and locked it.”
She looked at Cheryl. “I called your office and asked for you, but they said you were in court. By evening, when I didn’t hear any commotion or anything, I’d decided it must have been okay. My husband scolded me, and I won’t ever do anything like that again.” She touched Cheryl’s hand. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s all right. I’m okay, and it’s over. We’d better get on our way. I’m getting married tonight.
Did Heath tell you?” she asked and smiled up at him.
“He did, and we both wish you the very best.” The couple smiled, waved, and quickly went back inside.
Heath and Cheryl smiled when they heard the doors two locks being engaged.
“My guess is they’ll have another lock put on tomorrow,” Heath said.
“For sure.”
While lifting her in the truck, Heath added, “Now we know how he got in.”
“You don’t need to lift me into your truck. I’m quite capable of stepping on the sideboard and sitting inside.”
Heath chuckled and walked around to the driver’s side. When he got in, he turned to her. “I like doing it. When I’m away, you can help yourself, but not when I’m with you.”
“There you go like most men. I am not fragile.”
“Men enjoy being polite and taking care of their wives. It’s not a demanding or possessive action.”
“Right. Anyway, you need to remember we won’t be husband and wife for long.”
“How can I forget? You keep reminding me.”
Chapter 11
When they arrived at Kayla and Jackson’s house and went inside, they were surprised to see the house decorated with artificial and some real white flowers in the hallway.
Kayla hugged her. “I’m so happy for you two,” she said and looked over Cheryl’s shoulder to smile at Heath. “The wedding is set outside in the garden, and then we’ll go to the dining room for dinner.”
When they walked through the dining room, Cheryl stopped. “You’ve done too much. I can’t believe you have a wedding cake for us.” She motioned toward the beautiful white cake on a stand by the table. It had white and yellow roses on the top.
“Gordy’s wife baked it. She enjoys cooking and baking. The white flowers are for the bride and the yellow and orange flowers for Blaze. Although we haven’t gotten used to calling him by his new name yet.”
“Believe me, it suits him,” Cheryl teased. “But really, you all shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble for a temporary marriage.”
“None of us believe you two will get divorced,” Kayla said.
“The jeweler agrees. He said we’d stay married forever,” Heath added.
Cheryl’s face flushed as Heath spoke.
“I’m surprised Heath believes in all that hocus-pocus. I don’t.”
“Come into the guest room, Cheryl. I have something for you. Why don’t you join the guys, Heath? By the way, you look handsome in that black suit.”
“I thought the color was appropriate for a fake marriage,” he said and laughed as he waved and left them.
Cheryl frowned. “He’s taking this much too seriously.”
Kayla didn’t comment. She opened the bedroom door and motioned Cheryl inside.
“Oh, my.” Cheryl put her hands to her face. The most elegant white satin gown hung on the back of the closet door. Cheryl moved closer and touched the cool material. “It’s beautiful.”
“I knew you’d never wear a frilly lace dress, but this one seemed elegant and fashioned perfectly for you. I also didn’t buy a wedding veil but made a coronet of flowers. What do you think?”
“It’s all perfect, but this is all a sham. It doesn’t seem right to wear this dress for a pretend wedding.”
“It isn’t a pretend marriage. Two people Jackson and I love are saying their vows.” Kayla pointed to the plain blue dress Cheryl wore. “You don’t know this marriage won’t last. In case it does, I want you to have lovely memories of this day.”
“I can’t say no. The dress is too beautiful and what if that jeweler is right. I’d never get another wedding. The only thing missing are my parents.”
“I’m sure they’ll understand the rush. Let me help you dress.”
Kayla had even found the wedding march, on one of their old albums. They played the music as Cheryl walked out the side door to the patio. The guests rose. To Cheryl’s shock, the first people she saw were her parents. When she got to them, she stopped and hugged her Mom and Dad.
“I’m so glad you are here, but—”
“Go get married. We can talk later,” her mother said as she smiled and pushed Cheryl on her way to Heath’s side.
To Cheryl’s surprise, Heath had changed into a tuxedo. She’d never seen him look more handsome. When she stepped beside him, he leaned down and whispered, “You look beautiful.” Cheryl’s cheeks flushed with heat. She t
urned to face Shadow. Her insides trembled, and their ceremony had become real and heartfelt.
“Today, I will marry the two of you in a civil ceremony, but if you’d like I will end the wedding with an Indian blessing.”
Chery found herself nodding agreement as Heath said they’d like it very much. She forgot this wasn’t a real marriage. The weather was perfect, cool and sunny, and the air smelled of sweet flowers and orange blossoms on the orange tree at the back of Jackson’s garden.
The ceremony took only a few minutes. When Heath slid the ring on her finger, Cheryl could swear it felt warm, and the yellow in the stone glowed.
Her fingers shook when she slid Heath’s ring on his finger. He squeezed her hand and smiled down at her.
Cheryl’s heart raced. The ceremony and everything about today felt right. Her thoughts both warmed her and scared her. Whatever will I do if I’m already falling in love with him and it comes time to divorce?
She heard the words pronouncing them man and wife. Heath held her face in his hands and slowly bent to kiss her. “Smile. Don’t worry. Things will work out.”
“I know, but our clothes, the service, my parents being here makes it all seems real.”
They turned back to face Shadow. He placed their hands together and put one of his hands on top and one on the bottom. Then he began to speak.
“In your married life:
May you walk a path of togetherness
May the path be loving and long
May you both find the treasure of harmony
May warm winds and bright skies follow you
In this life and beyond.”
Chery blinked away tears and observed a strange light in Heath’s eyes. The ceremony is too real for a fake marriage. It doesn’t feel temporary. In my heart, I feel I’ll be connected to this man forever. It isn’t what I planned or wanted. Or is it?
Shadow turned them toward the guests, and everyone stood and shouted congratulations.
Heath put his arm around her. “It will all work out as planned.” His silver-gray eyes were soft today as he looked at her tenderly.
“I hope so,” she said in a weak and tremulous whisper.
Their friends and Cheryl’s parents crowded around. Cheryl heard Heath’s buddies teasing him. They said another one of them was down and it made the rest nervous. She didn’t hear his reply as her mother and father pulled her into a family hug.
“We’re so glad you found such a good man. He spoke to us briefly before the ceremony,” her mother said.
Her father added, “He assured me he would take good care of you and keep you safe. We’ve been worried about the type of cases you are doing. We haven’t forgotten what happened to Charles.”
“I’ll be fine, Dad.”
“Those are exactly the words Charles said to me the night before he started his last trial. It doesn’t reassure me, but as your husband is a SEAL, perhaps he can protect you from the dangerous people you prosecute. The men you are after are ruthless. Never forget that,” her father said in a warning tone.
“I know, Dad.”
“Good.” He smiled and kissed her cheek. “Let’s celebrate your wedding.”
The silence in Heath’s house was a stark contrast to the party after the wedding. Cheryl still couldn’t believe how her parents and all their friends considered their wedding a true marriage, in spite of most of them knowing the truth.
Cheryl glanced at her ring. The gold-colored stone shone brightly in the dark house. Heath reached around her and turned on the foyer light.
“Are you okay?” he asked and leaned down to look at her face.
“I think so. I never expected our temporary marriage to become the beautiful occasion we just participated in.”
“If it seems real to you, then we will fool the gang, too. It’s late. You’d better get to bed since you plan on going to work tomorrow.”
“You’re right. Hopefully, I’ll feel less confused in the morning and steadier on my feet.” She stood on her tip-toes and kissed his chin. “Thank you.”
Heath watched as she hurried down the hall to the guest room. He strolled into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. Then he took a cup outside and sat in a lawn chair. A full moon lit the garden. He hadn’t touched her when she kissed him, or he’d have carried her back to his bed. His body ached with the desire to make her his true bride. But he couldn’t go back on his word. She had to come to him. I expect I’ll be taking many cold showers.
During the ceremony, the vows rolled off his lips as easily as though the wedding had somehow become real, a forever trust. Cheryl appeared to have the same feelings. Perhaps the old man in the jewelry store had put a spell on them, or maybe they both had denied their true feelings for each other until faced with the ceremony.
Whichever, I intend to keep her safe, and if this feeling I’ve been trying to deny increases, I will fight for our marriage.
Tired, he walked inside, turned off the coffee pot and poured the rest in the sink. When he got to his bedroom door, he stepped across the hall and listened. No sound. Hopefully, she’d get some sleep. He doubted he would.
The nightmare came back. Cheryl ran down a long hall trying to escape the men running after her. Two other men jumped into the hall in front of her. They were laughing.
“We got you. No one can save you now.” Rough hands took hold of her, and she screamed.
Her bedroom door slammed against the wall, startling her awake. Heath rushed to her side. She sat straight up in bed and reached for him. Crying, she tried to tell him about the nightmare.
Heath slid her over and got into bed beside her. His warm body and strong arms confronted her. She snuggled closer and looked up at him.
“I was scared. The men had hold of me and were grinning and threatening me.” She shivered.
Heath rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head. “It’s all right. No one will hurt you. I’m here.”
Gradually, her shaking stopped, and the heat of desire took the place of her fear. She moved her head and kissed his neck.
He tipped her head and stared into her eyes. He kissed the tears that glistened on her eyelashes and face. Then his gaze dropped from her eyes to her throat. His lips gently caressed the spot where her pulse pounded. Something intense flared through her, and her skin became extra sensitive to his touch.
“I want you,” Heath said. “I know it’s not in our agreement. If you want me to go, I need to do that right now, or I’ll make love to you.” His silvery gray eyes shone like silver in the moonlight coming through the upper window.
“I don’t want you to go. Please stay.”
“Do you want me to make love to you?”
“Yes,” she said in a low, trembly voice.
Her fingers ran along the side of his face. His nostrils flared, and he groaned. “Touch me. All over.”
Heath wasn’t sure she’d do as he asked. But when she looked up at him, his heart stopped for a second. Maybe she’d never admit to it tomorrow, but he saw love in her eyes. Cheryl kissed his neck and ran her teeth over the edge of his earlobe.
When he groaned, she smiled at him. Then she kissed his bare chest and ran her fingers across his hard nipples. A ripple of desire shook him, making her smile.
“You do want me.”
“Yes, and you’d better hurry, or I’ll be flipping you on your back and making love to you.”
“Not until I have my fun.” She took her time kissing his hard stomach while her hand reached further down under his sleeping shorts to caress him.
“Wait a moment.” He moved off the bed and picked her up in his arms. He strode to the door. “I want you in my king-size bed where we have plenty of room, and you can sleep the rest of the night beside me.”
After he laid Cheryl on the sheet, Heath grabbed a condom from his bedside table drawer. He rolled it on and crawled onto the bed beside her.
“I’m going to kiss you.” He bowed his head toward hers and kissed her eyes, and her mou
th. His tongue slid inside and tangled with hers.
Cheryl put her arms around his neck and moved her body restlessly against his. He pulled back and grinned. “Are you in a hurry?”
“Yes. I’m aching inside.”
He whispered in her ear, “When you want something you get so impatient, my dear. But I’m in control this time. Lean back and enjoy.”
His words excited her more. As he began to kiss her breasts, a tiny glow formed in her chest. His warm body wrapped her in an invisible harbor, a safe place she’d not known since childhood. He brought senses alive she’d never experienced before.
For all her flirting, Cheryl kept most men at arm’s length. But her body opened to his caresses without hesitation, and when he finally entered her, her throat tightened, and tears came to her eyes.
Heath leaned back. “Are you, all right?”
He was so compelling when he looked into her eyes with such warmth and caring. Some intangible bond seemed to form between them.
She smiled. “I’ve never been better. Why did you stop? Have you tired already?”
His laughter rumbled in his chest. “I’ll make you regret those words.” He nipped at her jaw.
“Please do,” was all she got out before he began to move and all thought went away for a long time.
When he rolled off her, he pulled her close to his side. “What a wonderful surprise you’ve become.”
“A good surprise?” Cheryl asked.
“Oh, yes. Like Christmas morning when you unwrap your gift, and it’s exactly what you wanted, but you didn’t know it.”
He ran his hands through her hair. “Go to sleep. You have a busy morning ahead of you.”
Heath fell asleep much faster than she did. Cheryl lay awake thinking about all the feelings he’d aroused in her. But, there were problems with them staying married, and one was him wanting to retire to Wyoming.
What am I thinking? I have my life, and he has his. We’ll enjoy ourselves, and when it’s time to separate, we will.