The SEAL's Surprise Bride_Special Forces_Operation Alpha Page 7
“No, I need to get it all out now.”
“Then continue.”
“The crime boss knew something my uncle had done when he first started out. From what I uncovered, he’d never done anything wrong again. But the mob boss threatened to ruin his life and career unless he got him off the charges. Uncle Charles lost either way. When the jury found his blackmailer guilty, the man became furious. Although the court had him immediately put in jail for life, the crime boss managed to arrange a hit. No one expected it. His lawyer friends all knew my uncle had done his usual good job, but the prosecution had stronger evidence.
“My uncle had been warned to be careful. He hired a bodyguard. I heard later from a snitch that when my uncle hired a protector, that made the crime boss’s men more determined to kill him. They had to show they were more cunning and able.”
“So, you think having someone protect you might just anger these guys more.”
“I thought so, yes.”
“Have you changed your mind?”
“Not really. These guys have gotten more aggressive since you’ve come on the scene. But I want to make it harder on them, and hopefully stay alive.”
“Have you decided to marry me? I can’t think of another plan that will work.”
“I don’t completely understand how it will make me safer. I’m still going to put this guy in jail.”
“When you’re in court, and I can’t be there, I’ll arrange to have other SEALs take over. They’ll escort you to court, stay in the courtroom and take you back to the on-base housing. There are other ways of keeping you safe, but I can’t explain unless you’re my wife.”
“I might as well tell you my other secret before you marry me and find out later. I married before and am divorced.”
Heath leaned back. “Why is it a secret?”
“Because it only lasted a year and ended badly. I testified against my ex-husband in court. I won, but his father paid the settlement against him, and he was ordered to stay away from me. Daddy always came to his rescue.”
“I don’t know why I chose Aces Bar and Grill as a place to go and flirt. At first, I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn’t afraid. Then I came to admire the SEALs and thought one might make a good husband. But after talking with the wives, I gathered the husbands were controlling. Their wives didn’t seem to mind. I had difficulty with understanding what they said, and I thought they might be putting on a good face.
“Except when I went to the party and met you. I saw them as independent, smart women, and they didn’t fit my picture of women being controlled or abused in any way.”
“They’d all laugh if they heard what you just said. We want the wives protected so their husbands won’t worry that someone might try to hurt their family to get back at them.”
“I never thought of it that way.”
“I’m going to the kitchen to cook some food. I’ll bring you a glass of wine to sip while I’m busy.”
“Can’t I help?”
“Relax and decide if you’re ready to say yes to me.”
“Do you want me to say yes?”
“I do. I want you safe.”
Cheryl sipped the wine Heath had brought to her and nibbled on the cheese and crackers he’d set on the side table. The idea of marrying Heath became more appealing as she thought about it.
She’d be safer than on her own, and he was a wonderful cook. She smiled at the thought.
“I hope that smile means you’re going to agree with me.” Heath’s voice startled her. She hadn’t heard him enter the room.
“What do you do, tiptoe?”
“No, you were deep in thought. Come into the kitchen.”
“That was quick.”
“I only did grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.”
“I fix that often. It’s a good quick meal.” She carried her wine glass with her and sat at the small kitchen table.
“We’ll eat and talk later.”
“Suits me.” Cheryl looked around the kitchen. “I noticed before that you aren’t a messy cook.”
Heath grinned. “Mom never would allow us to be messy or leave a dirty kitchen.”
“Sounds like you love her a lot.”
“I do, her and my Dad. At some point, I’ll leave the SEALs and go home and help with the ranch.”
Cheryl frowned. “Would you be happy with ranching after having this type of job?”
“Maybe not totally, but I plan to hire some other retired men from Special Forces and have an agency on the side that does difficult jobs similar to what we do now. There may be groups like the one we just took down, but for some reason the person who hires us prefers our doing it rather than the military.”
“I’d think you’d miss the big city. You might find a similar type of job, such as a bodyguard, in a metropolitan area and make more money.”
“Nope. By the time I leave the Navy, I’ll be ready for the peace of Wyoming. Having a few special jobs occasionally will be enough for me. We have a ranch and raise horses. We do some farming, but that’s not all we do.”
“I’ve always lived in big cities.”
“If you come home with me sometime and see Wyoming and the ranch, I think you’ll be surprised.”
“Maybe, but I doubt it.” Cheryl turned to him. “What if we get married, and we find out we like it? I don’t think I could live on a ranch and be happy.”
“Don’t worry. We won’t be married long enough to get too attached. I assume from what you said you’re agreeable?”
“Yes, it makes sense. I am a bit scared.”
“Good. When you have something real to be frightened of, then being scared keeps you on your toes. We’ll go to the courthouse tomorrow and get our marriage license. I’ll check around and see who can marry us. We need to do this as soon as possible. My team may get a mission at any time.”
“I’ll need to get my divorce decree out of my safety deposit box.”
“We’ll go to the bank,” Heath said. “And then go straight to the courthouse to get our marriage license.”
“All right, but I need to go back to work by the day after tomorrow at the latest. I’ll call around tomorrow and see if I can find someone who has the credentials to marry us. I’m going to bed and rest. Tomorrow is going to be a hectic day.”
“It will be because I plan on moving whatever you need from your place to mine.”
“All right. Can I help you clean the kitchen?”
“No, there’s not much. Go rest. See you in the morning.”
Cheryl hesitated in the doorway. “Should we seal all of this with a kiss?” She looked down and held her hands tight in front of her.
Heath strolled toward her. “You’re blushing.” His slow, deep drawl made her heart flutter.
“It was a silly suggestion.” She started to turn, but he took hold of her shoulders and tipped her face upward.
“No, it wasn’t.” He slowly bent toward her, and his lips touched hers.
His kiss was surprisingly gentle, but still sent spirals of ecstasy through her body. He pulled her against his hard frame and ran his hands down her back as she kissed him, lingering and savoring every moment. When he pulled away, he kissed the tip of her nose.
Heath turned her toward the hallway. “Go, rest, see you in the morning.” He gave her a gentle push in the right direction.
When Cheryl opened her bedroom door, she wondered if what they planned would cause them to end up in an unexpected relationship without a good ending.
His kiss had shaken her. Better keep future behavior more like brother and sister. Yeah, like that will work.
Heath walked to the sink, put his hands on the edge and hung his head. I ought not to have kissed her. But she looked so lost and sad. Hell, admit it, I wanted to kiss her, touch her, and the next few weeks or months are going to be more difficult than some of my missions.
Pulling out his cell, he called Jackson. “Hi, Jackson. I hope it’s not too late to call.”
/> “Not when you have a baby. Jacob has decided it’s time to play. What’s up?”
“Do you know anyone who can perform marriages?”
“I don’t. I heard a guy on another team got one of those licenses online. They’re legal in California. Who’s getting married?”
“Cheryl and me.”
“What? Has the world come to an end? I’m looking out the window now to check.”
“Funny, funny. It was the best idea I could come up with to keep Cheryl safe, and she’s agreed. The marriage will be temporary until the guys who are after her are taken care of, and then we’ll get a divorce. When she’s my wife, I can get Tex to help, especially while we’re on missions. If I must leave her, I’ll insist she stay at one of the visitor houses on base until I return.”
“Sounds crazy. What if you two find out you love each other?”
“We won’t let that happen.”
Jackson chuckled. “Sorry for the laughter, but you both will be handling dynamite. You’re already half in love and won’t admit it.”
“We have no future. Cheryl can’t imagine living in Wyoming. You know my plans for when I retire.”
“Are you certain this is the only solution?”
“Do you have a better idea?”
“No. I’ll call Becker. I think the guy I mentioned is on his team. Why not have the wedding here at our house this weekend?”
“The marriage needs to happen immediately. What about tomorrow night? We don’t want too many people.”
“It’ll only be our team and Wolf and Caroline to represent their team?”
“It’ll be too embarrassing when we divorce if a lot of people attend.”
“I’m willing to bet a hundred bucks that the divorce doesn’t happen. Anyway, I’ll let the guys know this isn’t forever.”
“Okay, if you insist.”
“I do. I’ll hang up now and tell Kayla. I can’t wait.”
Heath looked at his phone. Damn, Bear was laughing again when he hung up. No one is going to believe this will be a temporary marriage. Am I kidding myself about being able to walk away from her without any regrets?
He poured a cup of coffee and went into the family room. The fire was barely burning. Heath sat on the sofa where Cheryl had been and gazed at the fireplace.
He sighed and muttered, “I’m not sure I believe it either. Kissing Cheryl sent heat all through my body, and I had to hold myself back from carrying her into my bedroom. Our future looks dangerous and tempting.”
Chapter 10
It was still early when they left the courthouse with their marriage license. Heath stopped Cheryl before she got in the truck.
“We’ll need a ring. I talked to Jackson again early this morning, and he hadn’t found anyone to marry us. But Shadow heard about our needing someone, and he’s licensed and has agreed to do the ceremony.”
“I’m glad. I like Shadow. We can buy a cheap ring at the mall. Many places sell rings for thirty or forty dollars.”
“No. If we’re going into this even temporarily, we need a ring that will convince others we’re serious. I have a place in mind. Get in the truck, and we’ll go there now since we both have the day off. Then we’ll meet the guys at your place and get the clothes and other things you want to move to my house.”
Cheryl glanced at Heath. “I don’t understand why so many people are coming to our wedding. They know it isn’t for real.”
“Wrong, it will be real for a while. Jackson thinks the guys will be hurt if they aren’t invited.”
She made a sound of disbelief. “I can’t imagine those big guys caring that much about attending a wedding.”
“You’d be surprised. We may be warriors, but a soft part of us can get hurt like anyone else. We only hide it better.”
Cheryl turned toward the window.
“I know you’re smiling. Wait and see. The wives will be joining us, too, and you like them.”
“All right. It’s not that I don’t want the rest of the team there, but I think we’ll be more embarrassed after the marriage ends with so many other people involved.”
Heath slowed the car and parked by the curb. “The people who we want to believe this is real will be more convinced if we marry in front of friends.”
“I suppose you’re right. Where did you hear about this little jewelry shop?” Cheryl asked as they got out of the truck.
“Jackson and Kayla got their rings here.”
Cheryl stopped walking. “Oh, no. I’m not getting some spooky ring like Kayla’s.”
“They have other rings, and they’re reasonable in price.” He took her hand and pulled her inside. “I swear I’ve never met a more stubborn person.”
“Good morning.” An older man stepped from between the curtain behind the jewelry case. “What can I do for you, today?”
“We’re getting married this evening, and I’d like us to have rings.”
“Nothing special,” Cheryl added. “I doubt we’ll last forever.”
The man gave them an odd look. “I’m surprised. Such a nice-looking couple and the heart in my picture behind you is glowing.”
“I don’t believe in mystics and all the hocus-pocus stuff,” Cheryl said.
“Ah, yes. You are a lawyer and believe in what you can see or touch.” He stared at her for a moment. “You are in danger, and” he nodded toward Heath, “he is the warrior who will save you in more ways than you realize.”
Cheryl frowned at Heath. “See? I told you there’d be spooky stuff. How did he know I’m a lawyer? Did you call and tell him?”
Heath smiled and shook his head no. He turned to the proprietor. “What can you show us in rings?”
“Wait, I’ll be right back.”
“He’ll come out with a set that has some hocus-pocus story behind it,” Cheryl said while twisting her hands in agitation.
He took hold of her hands. “I believe you’re scared. If this place has no power, you have nothing to fear.”
“All we needed was a cheap little ring,” she grumbled as the man returned.
“I keep special rings in the back for special couples.”
“I bet you tell all your customers that and they fall for it.”
He smiled. “There is much in this world we don’t know or understand. You don’t need to believe it. I’ll do that for you.”
“Show us the rings,” Heath said and let go of her left hand.
The ring for her was a wide gold band with one round diamond at the top. When she looked into the diamond, it reminded her of sunlight.
“Is it a yellow diamond?” she asked.
“Yes. It was found in the desert and sent to me by a friend. The belief is that the diamond has the power to protect.”
Grinning, Cheryl looked at Heath. “With this, we won’t need the temporary marriage.”
“Yes, you will, and the marriage will be permanent. You may not think so now, but in the end, you will see I’m right,” the jeweler said.“No, we are planning a divorce after she’s safe,” Heath said and nodded at Cheryl. “Perhaps you might save this ring for a couple who are truly in love.”
“If I’m wrong, bring the ring back when you get the divorce, and I will refund your money.” He opened a ring box next to the open one. “This is your ring.”
The ring was wide like Cheryl’s but had three tiny stones in the center. When Heath studied it looking straight down, the stones appeared to be a light purple, but just looking at them normally you’d believe they were tiny diamonds.
“You have had several hurts recently, and one went deep. The universe says to let go. You did all you could. You have been raised to be a peaceful, kind man and soon will go back to your origin and find important work, but also peace and happiness.”
The man glanced at Cheryl. “Whether you believe it or not, the two of you are connected, and that connection will not end, ever.”
Cheryl pulled on Heath’s arm. “Let’s go. He’s scaring me.”
Ah, do not be scared. You are a good person. Only true evil need fear. They come into my shop and immediately turn and hurry off.”
“Then you’ve never been robbed?”
“Never. There have been attempts, but if they get inside, they quickly run empty-handed away from here.”
“How much for the rings?” Heath asked.
The proprietor named a price.
“They seem more valuable. Why give us such a good price?”
“Only for my special customers. I make plenty. And if I am wrong, as I said, I will give your money back to you.”
“Can’t get a better deal.” Heath handed the jeweler his credit card and got a receipt.
“Don’t tell me you believed what that jeweler said about the rings,” Cheryl said after they got in the truck.
“I’ve seen some strange things in my life.” Heath shrugged. “Even if it isn’t true, I enjoyed him.”
“I never expected you to have tolerance for such fantasy.”
He tipped her head upward and leaned forward. “Relax, enjoy the story, let a bit of mystic into your lawyer brain.”
He kissed her, briefly, before starting the truck. “I’ll call Jackson and Wolf and tell them we have the license and the rings and to reschedule the move from your condo to this weekend. We can stop by now and get the immediate clothes and whatever else you’ll need before then.”“Good, because I’m going back to work tomorrow. The Judge will never give me an extension if I get behind. He’d make some remark about women not being competent and trustworthy.”
“Want me to punch him the next time he spouts off?”
“I’d love to see that, but no, he’d put you in jail.”
“So, you like having me around.”
“At least until the bad men aren’t chasing me with guns.”
“In other words, you’re using me.” He glanced her way and grinned.
“Yes, I am.” But her tone of voice and the smile she tried to hide by looking out the window told him differently.
Cheryl turned in his direction. “You know, we may be able to get along relatively well while we’re married.”
“Remember, this is for life. The jeweler back there said so.”