The SEAL's Surprise Bride_Special Forces_Operation Alpha Page 5
“Come here, please.” When she got to him, he asked, “Did you leave your lipstick on the counter? I noticed all your rooms are neat, so this looks out of place.”
“I’m trying to remember.” She walked into the bathroom and glanced around. “I don’t think so. My habit is to drop it in the drawer on the right side. You’re right. Some of my friends call me a neat freak.”
She started to reach for the lipstick, but he grabbed her hand to stop her.
“Don’t touch it. Bring me a spoon and a small plastic bag.”
Blaze moved her shower curtain back with his shoulder. The window, like all the rest, was locked.
When he turned around, she held the items he’d requested. Her hands trembled.
“Does this mean they’ve been in my condo?”
“If you did leave your lipstick in the drawer, I’m afraid it does. I’m going to call a friend to bring a fingerprint kit so we can check for your fingerprints and any that don’t match yours. That will tell us for certain if someone else has been in here.
“Better check yours also.”
“I will. Go put the coffee on and then sit down. You look a little pale.”
“Thinking a strange person may have been in my condo gives me the creeps. But how did they get inside?”
“One question at a time.” He waited until he heard her walk down the hallway before calling Shadow. He answered on the first ring.
“What’s up?” Shadow asked. “Want to go out for a while?”
“I’ve been out. I have a little problem. Do you have a fingerprint kit at home?”
“Sure, I keep one nearby. I like to be ready for anything.”
“How about bringing it to me?” Blaze gave him the address.
“Are you in trouble, man? Want me to get some of the other guys and bring them with me?”
“Not yet.”
“Okay. Blaze, is it?” He teased. “Fits you perfect. Always in the midst of a firestorm.”
Blaze laughed. “I’m getting used to the name. You met Cheryl. She calls me Blaze, often.” He gave Shadow Cheryl’s address.
“I’ll be there within the hour.”
He left the bathroom and joined Cheryl where she sat in the kitchen. “I called Shadow. Do you remember meeting him?”
“Yes. Why did you need to talk with him?”
“He’s going to bring his fingerprint kit. He’s good at getting clear prints off items. He can get our prints and check doorknobs, the lipstick, and windows to see if someone knows how to get inside your place.”
“I’ve always felt safe in my home. I hate the idea a stranger may have broke in.”
“Cheryl, you’ve chosen a difficult path and a dangerous one. These men aren’t going to stop trying to hurt you. They want their bosses back. Pack an overnight bag. You can’t sleep here until we have the answers about the fingerprints, and it will be tomorrow at the earliest.”
She nodded and headed for her bedroom. Heath followed her.
“I can manage packing my bag without you,” she said, stopping him at the door.
He’d turned to walk back to the kitchen when he heard her scream. He ran back and into the room. Cheryl sat on the floor with her tattered clothes in her hands.
“My clothes have been shredded.” Tears ran down her face.
Blaze picked her up in his arms and carried her to the living room, where he sat with her in his lap. “We’ll find whoever did this, but you can’t stay here anymore until we do. As soon as Shadow gets here and finishes, I’m taking you to my house.” When she raised her head and started to speak, he put his finger to her lips. “No discussion. We take this one day at a time.”
When Shadow arrived, Blaze still held Cheryl in his arms.
“Cheryl are you hurt?” Shadow asked.
“Only inside.”
Shadow nodded. “That can be the worst kind. Where do I start, Heath?”
“It’s Blaze,” Cheryl said. “He brings a firestorm of problems with him.”
Shadow chuckled. “Yes, ma’am. He sure does, but not all the time. I’ll get the work done. We need to take you away from here.”
“She’s going home with me for tonight.”
“Good idea. Where do you want me to start?”
“The front door and then the bathroom and her closet and clothes. You can get our prints last.”
“Will do.”
Cheryl edged off his lap. “Maybe I have some things to wear in my drawers. At least tops and shorts.” She started in the direction of her bedroom.
“Wait, do you have any plastic gloves, maybe for washing dishes?”
“Yes, I’ll get a pair and put them on.”
It didn’t take Shadow long. He left to take his kit to the base, and Heath drove Cheryl to his house.
She looked around with interest. “I like your neighborhood. The tall oak trees and lovely lawns compliment the houses.”
“Several SEALs live in this area. Some from my team and a few from other teams. We like knowing the wives can be checked on frequently when we’re away. We do the same for the other team when they’re gone.”
“Why would anyone bother them?”
Heath slowed and turned left into his driveway. “Why does any of the craziness in this world happen? The last thing we need is to worry about our families while we’re gone.”
“But you don’t have a family. Why buy here?”
“To be near friends. At the time I thought I might ask someone to marry me.”
“Ah, the stupid woman who left you for someone else.”
“Why do you say stupid?”
“You cared for her. I doubt whoever she found was more handsome or would take better care of her.”
“Thanks for the compliment, but money is a strong motivator, and her new boyfriend has old and new money.”
“She must be very attractive.”
“Let’s not talk about her. I’ll show you my house.”
Chapter 7
Heath unlocked his door and ushered Cheryl inside. He carried her suitcase down the hall. When he came back, he found Cheryl in the kitchen.
“I couldn’t resist looking around. You have a great kitchen, and the family room off it makes the whole area seem homey.”
“Does my taste surprise you?”
“Yes, a modern, no-fuss condo would seem more appropriate. No maintenance when you’re here and none to worry about when you are on a mission.”
“Most of us like living in neighborhoods, especially if other SEALs live nearby.”
“We need the normalcy and the hominess of a quiet place after what we’ve been through.”
Cheryl walked out of the kitchen and sat in one of the large, comfortable chairs in the family room. She gazed out the window.
Heath knelt beside her. “Are you all right?”
“Don’t you get lonely with so much space around you?”
He shrugged. “Sometimes, but mostly it makes me feel comfortable. I can stretch my legs inside or out, have privacy if I want, or visit my neighbors.”
“Do you eat out much?”
“Occasionally, but I like to cook, and Mom made sure my brother and I were both good cooks before we left home.”
“But it’s such a bother when cooking only for yourself.”
“I relax when I cook. Doing the preparations helps clear my mind, and the wonderful aroma of the food cooking gives me an appetite.” He glanced down at her. “What relaxes you? Or do you go around like a steamroller all the time?”
“That’s a good question. Going to Aces relaxes me. I like to dance and joke around.”
“But what about your private time?” Heath persisted.
Cheryl got up and strolled to the window. “When I was much younger, I liked to read under the large maple tree in our backyard. We had a huge yard, and Dad had a playhouse made for Kayla and me. We played there often.”
“You’re very close. Why didn’t you two have a place
together here in San Diego?”
“We lived together at college. Later, when we moved to San Diego, we decided we wanted a place closer to our work and to try being on our own.”
“Did you argue or have a falling out?”
Frowning, Cheryl jerked around to face him. “Why all the questions?”
“Because whatever you aren’t saying has something to do with you and me, and with your dislike of protection.”
“I don’t share my personal feelings and thoughts with many people.”
Heath placed his hands on either side of her face and tipped her head upward. “Someday, I hope I’ll be one of those few people you share your feelings and thoughts with, and I’ll share mine with you.”
“Why do you care?” she whispered.
He leaned down, and his lips brushed hers. He whispered back, “I’m not sure.” He pulled her warm body into his arms. If I verbalized how right this feels, I’d scare us both.
Cheryl’s arms slowly wrapped around him or as far around him as she could reach. She hadn’t felt this warm and safe in years. Her head cuddled into his chest, and his fingers ran through her loose hair.
“I’d better get in the kitchen and fix us something to eat.” Heath tipped her face upward and brushed his lips across hers. “I’ll have our meal ready in about twenty minutes. Why don’t you explore the house while I make dinner? I put your things in the guest bedroom, the third door down the hall on the left.”
“Thanks. I’ll go freshen up.”
His guest room surprised her. The colors were neutral, gray and slate blue. Curtains matched and the rug was a soft gray. I wonder if his Mother or girlfriend decorated the house. It’s inviting and restful.
After emptying her suitcase, she pulled the curtain back to look outside. Heath’s backyard appeared to suit the man. It featured a long exercise pool. The one-lane ran along the side. The rest of the yard had several large trees and lush plants, walking paths and very little grass to cut. There was a small patio to the side of the pool. Tall fences kept the yard private.
“Do you like what you see?”
Heath’s voice made her jump. She turned and faced him.
When he sauntered in, she backed up. His presence made the room feel smaller than she’d thought.
“You’re still tense.” He put out his hand. “Come and eat, and then if you like, we’ll move into the family room and enjoy an after-dinner drink. I’ll start the fire, and maybe your body will relax, if not your clever mind.”
“It sounds like a good plan.”
He stood at the door and waited for her to walk by him. She experienced a gamut of mixed feelings whenever she got close to him. She looked up briefly at his silver-gray eyes, and her pulse raced. She heard his quick intake of breath, and she hurried and down the hallway.
“You don’t need to rush. The food will stay hot.”
She detected a hint of humor under his words. “I’m hungry,” she said and glanced over her shoulder, surprised to see how close he was.
He’d arranged the silverware and glasses on the small table by the side window in the kitchen. “If it’s too warm in here, I can move us to the dining room, but that table looked too large for us.”
“This is fine.”
“I put the food on our plates. They’re in the oven. I’ll get them if you fill the glasses with ice, and then pour the sweet tea into them.”
Feeling relieved to have something to do rather than stare at his powerful, well-muscled body that moved with an easy grace, she took the two glasses and put in the ice and poured the tea.
Cheryl studied Heath as he moved comfortably around the room. It was obvious he cooked often. He had the ease and confidence of someone used to doing for himself. He appeared unaware of his appearance, and how he held himself with a commanding air of self-confidence. Even when she’d met him, and he’d been annoyed at her for disturbing his privacy, she sensed he was a man of strength and integrity. She realized he’d turned and smiled with amusement in his eyes.
“You’ve been staring at me for several minutes. Did I get something on my face?”
“No, but you look cocky and ready for me to compliment you.” She tried hard not to smile.
“Well, I’m waiting.” He grinned. His relaxed expression was so different from his usual determined and formidable look that for a moment she only stared.
“You should smile more. Let’s eat.” Cheryl moved toward the table, but he reached out and pulled her back against his unyielding chest. “Next time, I expect a much better compliment.” The twinkle in his silvery eyes contradicted his stern words.
Heath turned on a station playing light classical music. Cheryl didn’t talk. She savored the many delicious flavors of the food and sipped her tea. Gradually her tense muscles relaxed, and her tired mind slowed down from the many thoughts and emotions she’d experienced during the day.
“Are you getting sleepy?” Heath asked. “You haven’t spoken all through the meal.”
“Neither have you. I’m enjoying the food and the atmosphere.” Then she glanced around the table. “Do I get dessert?”
His laughter rumbled out of his powerful chest. Cheryl stared at the man across from her. Never did she think he’d show her this side of him. A man she’d never seen hiding in the strong, stern warrior.
“Sorry. I guess I thought you kept your gorgeous figure by denying yourself, sweets.”
“No. Part of the reason I exercise is so I can occasionally have a special treat.”
“You’re in luck. Jackie sent over half a chocolate cake last night, and I haven’t eaten any of it. She’s a very good cook and baker.”
“I’ll take a piece.”
“With coffee?”
“No, it’ll keep me awake.”
“Okay, no coffee. Maybe cold milk?”
“Yes. Can I help?”
“I can handle it. Go on in the family room. I started a fire while you were in the bedroom, and I have music playing in there.”
Cheryl watched as he walked toward a cabinet. She enjoyed the sight of Heath’s tall, well-sculpted, athletic body.
He glanced over his shoulder. “Are you going to go to the family room?”
Blushing, she nodded and heard him chuckle as she left the room.
Heath cut her a large piece of the cake and the same for himself. He did have some vanilla ice cream in the freezer. He’d put a scoop on each plate. As he worked, he thought about the idea he had regarding Cheryl and him. Was tonight, while she appeared relaxed and open, the time to bring it up? Shrugging, he carried the plates to the family room. He’d see how the evening went before telling her his thoughts.
When he got to her side, she’d fallen asleep. He placed the plates on the side table. “Cheryl, wake up.”
Groggily, she opened her eyes and stared at him. For a second, she looked confused.
“It’s all right. You’re at my house, remember?”
“I was in such a deep sleep.”
“Sorry to wake you, but the ice cream is melting on your cake.”
“Oh, how wonderful. One of my favorites—chocolate cake and ice cream.” She sat up and yawned. “I’m surprised I fell asleep when I’m not in my bed.”
“Your body is telling you what a toll you’re putting on it with all the stress from your job.”
“I know. Let’s listen to the music and enjoy our dessert for now.”
He sat in the large chair on the other side of the table and was glad he did. Cheryl groaned and licked her spoon, and then moaned as she ate her dessert until he was rock hard. His throat tightened, and he barely managed to swallow the soft ice cream. It took all his SEAL training regarding patience in difficult situations to keep him sitting in the chair when what he wanted to do was pick her up, take her to his bedroom, and enjoy her luscious body the way she was savoring her sweets.
“Are you, all right?” Cheryl asked. “You haven’t eaten your cake, and you appear to
be in pain.”
“I’m fine, just a leg cramp.” He placed his dessert on the side table. “I’m going to walk it off.”
Heath slipped out the glass sliding door and strolled along the path he’d designed and made last year. He’d arranged the stepping stones to go around the garden and trees.
Damn, I’m developing feelings for her. I don’t want to be too close to her or any female. I thought I’d learned my lesson. If I present my idea to her, and she agrees, I’ll be with her more, which isn’t good. At least, not until I know what she’s hiding.
When he walked back inside, he found her plate on the side table and her head on the sofa cushion. “Asleep again. I suspect you haven’t been sleeping well for quite a while,” he mumbled as he picked her up and carried her down the hallway.
“I can walk,” she said and raised her head to look at him.
“I’ll put you down on your bed and leave. You are exhausted, and you need to take a day off. But I know that won’t happen.”
“Do you have a computer?” she asked as he sat her on the side of the queen-size bed.
“Yes, in my home office.”
“If I can use it until I get mine at from home, I can work on research for my case. There’s some background I need, and I can do here. I admit I am tired and with a bit more rest I’ll be more efficient.”
“Hmmm, I never expected you admit to a weakness.”
“Being exhausted isn’t a weakness.”
“It is to you, usually.”
“You think you know me so well, and you don’t.” She frowned at him.
His fingers brushed across her forehead. “Remember, frowning causes wrinkles,” he teased.
“And smiles crack your stern façade.”
“You also like to have the last word. Go to sleep, Cheryl, and don’t set your alarm.” She started to speak, and he put up his hand. “I saw you place it in your bag. I get up early and run. When I return, I’ll call your boss and explain.”
“I should….”