The SEAL's Surprise Bride_Special Forces_Operation Alpha Read online

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  “It hasn’t been, but this also puts some excitement in my life. I like beating the bad guys.”

  “You need to find the right guy and get married,” Bear spoke up. “I’d guess you’re lonely and bored, but that’s no reason to take this dangerous case.”

  “And if I don’t and Hank, the attorney, who would take my place, gets hurt or killed, how will I feel? He has a wife and kids.”

  Jackson stood and stretched. “I’m going to work in the front yard. You two visit. Cheryl, you’re a smart lady. At least, I’ve always thought so before now. You’ll decide what to do on your own.”

  He waved at them and left.

  “Is he mad at me?”

  “Perhaps annoyed would be another word,” Kayla said and patted Cheryl’s hand. “I worry about you.”

  “It has been difficult adjusting to my best friend in all the world married and having a baby. I’m happy for you, but I do find myself lonely.”

  “You have other friends who’d go out with you.”

  “I know. I’m silly.” Cheryl checked her watch. It’s time for me to leave.”

  “Are you meeting friends somewhere?”

  “No, I’m meeting Heath at the gym. He’s not convinced I can take care of myself. I plan on showing him.”

  “I’d love to be a fly on the wall and see and hear what happens. Do you like Heath more now?”

  “Kayla don’t start trying to play Cupid. I guess I like him. I’m not sure how I feel.”

  “Ah, you do like Heath. You always size men up in a hurry, and he doesn’t fit any of the types of men you have in your mind. He intrigues you.”

  “Just because we’re best friends doesn’t mean you can read my mind.” They both stood, and Cheryl hugged her. “I’ll let you know how today goes.”

  “Do keep me updated,” Kayla smirked as she waved goodbye to Cheryl.

  Heath had arrived early and positioned himself down the block from the gym, leaning against the wall. He enjoyed watching people as they scurried around hardly noticing each other. He saw Cheryl had found a parking spot. She strode across the street holding her head high and shoulders back. When she stepped onto the sidewalk, a man coming up behind her tried to grab her purse.

  Heath shoved away from the wall, ready to race to her rescue.

  Without hesitation, Cheryl jerked around. She hit the man in the face with her large shoulder bag, kicked him in the groin, and then socked him in the face with her fist when he fell.

  Heath had difficulty holding back a grin. Damn, that woman has many hidden qualities. From a starry-eyed SEAL groupie, she’d morphed into a completely different woman. I wonder who else knows this side of her. I’d better take a second look at this lady who has surprised me. Few people do. What other secrets might she hide?

  There’d been much applause when she took him down. From the crowd’s reaction in supporting Cheryl, the purse snatcher must have done the same to others in this area and got away with it. The bystanders moved to stand around her and shook her hand and thanked her.

  Heath started walking toward her when the police arrived, and the crowd dispersed. Holding back, he observed her showing her ID and telling the officers what happened.

  After the police hauled off the would-be robber, the crowd departed. Cheryl smiled across the way at him.

  “You missed seeing how I handled myself.”

  “No, I saw the whole thing. I’m quite impressed, but that robber probably isn’t experienced in the way the men in Rocco Zaiden’s mob have been. Let’s go in and see some more.”

  “It’s hard to impress you,” she mumbled as he followed her inside. “I’ll put on my gym clothes, and you can watch my trainer and me while I work out.” She turned to look back at him. “Then you and I can have a try.”

  Heath chuckled. “Are you sure you want to test yourself against me?”

  “Absolutely.” She tipped her chin up at him.

  “Okay. I’ll go change.”

  When Heath returned, Cheryl was in the ring. She had good footwork and threw some strong punches, and her trainer didn’t go easy on her. He landed a few good ones. After a while, they stopped, and she came to the side of the ring where he stood.

  “I usually work longer, but I explained you’d be giving me a workout, and I needed to be on my toes.”

  Heath slipped between the ropes and joined her. “What if the guy captures you on a day you’re tired and not at your best?”

  “Then I have my concealed weapon tucked in my jacket.”

  “Ah,” he nodded his head. “So, you’re prepared to be surprised.” Suddenly he moved, kicked her feet out from under her, and threw her down gently. He leaned over her, holding her hands above her head and sitting on her upper legs.

  “What’s your next move?” he asked, leaning down close to her face. She swung her head up to butt him in the nose, but he reared back and laughed. Then he stood and let her go.

  “That’s not fair. I didn’t know we were starting.”

  “It is fair. Rocco’s gang won’t let you know when they’re ready to grab you.”

  “Let’s practice some more moves.”

  Heath agreed. She was good. He let her have a few, but most of the time she was either underneath him on the floor or held tight against his body standing up. Her face was red and covered in sweat.

  “We’ve done enough. I’m going to shower, and you can take me to lunch,” Heath said as he pulled her up. “Take a hot shower. Those muscles will be sore tonight.”

  She nodded and walked toward the ladies changing room. He watched as her shoulders slumped.

  Damn, I didn’t want to hurt her spirit, only show her the danger of being too sure of herself. That leads to a dangerous situation.

  As the hot water rolled over his body, he smiled. Cheryl did give me a good workout. She’s one of the best-trained women I’ve met outside of the military. At lunch, I need to build her confidence back up some, but not so much she’ll be too cocky and get herself hurt or killed.

  Cheryl let the warm water flow over her head and tipped her head back, closing her eyes. All her muscles hurt.

  Darn him, he was right. My trainer isn’t near as hard on me as Heath was in the ring. Well, he is a Navy SEAL. No one could do well against one of them. Our duel was not fair. Most men aren’t as tough, but a gang might be better than me. Something I hate to admit.

  Carl’s face popped up in her head. I’m not going there. He has nothing to do with all of this. She shut her eyes and rinsed the suds off. Then she dried her body and plugged in the hairdryer. I’d better hurry because Heath’s probably ready and waiting at the door.

  Chapter 3

  As Cheryl expected, Heath was by the door and talking to her trainer. “You two must be discussing my brilliant performance today,” she said and forced a smile.

  “We were and talked about other moves he can teach you. I’ve told him to be harder on you.”

  “I see. You must have had a few laughs at my performance today.”

  “Not at all. I’d say you’re one of the best-trained women I’ve met, and you’ve never been in the military.

  That’s a compliment.”

  Heath’s statement shocked her. He moved closer and put his arm around her waist. “Let’s go to lunch.” He grinned at her trainer. “She’s paying and not because I won. I’ve never had a woman take me to lunch.”

  The trainer looked at Cheryl. “She’s a special lady.”

  “And now she’s blushing. Let’s go.” He led her outside and toward his truck. “You can ride with me. I’ll bring you back.”

  “Why don’t we both drive, that way I won’t inconvenience you.”

  “I don’t mind.” He kept her walking toward his one splurge, a big, black truck.

  “As I expected. How do I get into this giant?”

  “Like this.” He opened her door and lifted her up and onto the seat.

  Heath walked around to the driver’s side and got in. Then he star
ted the motor and glanced at her. “Where to, my lady?”

  “There’s a lovely seafood restaurant about a mile down. You turn left at the third light and halfway down the street you’ll see it.”

  “No problem. Lean back and relax. With your hand on the door handle and leaning forward I expect you to jump out at any time.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t realize how tense I am.”

  “You’re a fighter. You seldom lose, and you hate it.”

  “How do you know?”

  “A fighter knows one.”

  “I can’t compare to you. You know it.”

  “True, but I’ve had training in a way you haven’t. I had the advantage from the start.” He stopped at the second light and glanced at her.

  “Why was it so important to show me how inept I am?”

  “You are not inept. For some reason, it’s been important to you to keep in shape and be able to take care of yourself. But there will always be others who’ve done the same, and they don’t have the qualms you’d have about hurting someone else. They don’t care if they play dirty to win.” The honk of a horn from the car behind them stopped their conversation. In a few more minutes, he turned at the third light and parked across from the restaurant. Cheryl put her hand on the truck door. “Stop. I’ll go around and be the gentleman to help you down.”

  “I’m perfectly able to jump down.”

  “Woman, you’d drive a man crazy. Be still.”


  Heath bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. She might be testy, but Cheryl was much more fun than the ones who clung to his arm and lied.

  He liked putting his hands around her small waist and swinging her to the ground. She must have put on perfume. She smelled like the summer roses that bloomed every year on the front porch at home. Once he sat her feet on the ground, he sniffed her neck.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You smell like home.”

  “Is that good?”

  “Very.” He put her arm in his as they entered the restaurant.

  “Let’s ask to sit by the windows. We can enjoy the restaurant’s lovely garden.”

  “I’d prefer in the back where I can face the door.”


  “I like to see around me and be prepared.”

  “Even when you’re home?”


  He watched her glance at the window, then shrug, and they walked to a table in the back that he requested.

  “Aren’t you being a bit paranoid.”

  “Maybe. Humor me.”

  The waitress got their order and silence settled at the table. Heath studied her closely.

  “What? Do I have a wart on my nose?”

  “You have a lovely nose that tips up at the end. It’s very effective when you want to challenge someone.”

  “Why are you studying me?”

  “For a small lady, you are strong and unafraid to challenge yourself. You did all right against me.”

  “Please. We all know I was pathetic.”

  “No, you weren’t. I’ve had special training. You had no chance from the start, but with your trainer, you did well. I watched closely. I’m proud of you and of how you handled yourself with that purse snatcher.”

  “Then what was the reason for challenging me if you knew I couldn’t do anything against you?”

  “I wanted you to know some men are more skilled than you, and they don’t mind hurting you. In fact, they may enjoy it. They’re trained to play dirty, and it’s usually two or more against one. This gang will hurt you if you don’t get protection. You took their leader from them. They have to be furious.”

  Cheryl looked down for a minute. Should she tell him? She bit lip.

  “What is it?” Heath reached across the table and took hold of her hand. “Your hand is cold as ice.” He motioned the waitress over. “Which would you prefer, hot tea or coffee?”

  She forced herself to smile at the young girl waiting on them. “I’d like a cup of tea.”

  “Shall I remove your iced tea?”

  “No. Leave it. I might want it later.”

  Once the waitress left to get the tea, Heath squeezed her hands. “Tell me.”

  “The SWAT team arrested Rocco’s brother Thursday night. He was the second-in-command of the gang. My boss offered me the job to put him away.”

  “Surely you didn’t accept.”

  “If I don’t, Hank, another lawyer, and my friend will be given the job. He has a family. I can’t let him take it and put his wife and children in danger. And he’s not quite as good as me at getting guilty verdicts in hard cases.”

  “Let your boss do it.”

  “He hasn’t done a trial in years, and in two more years he’s retiring.”

  “It’s not your problem.”

  “But it is, and if you’d look at it right, you’d understand I have no choice but to take this case. I can’t put others in danger.”

  “What about looking out for yourself?”

  “Do you look out for yourself when you go on assignment? I doubt it.”

  “That’s different. I’m a man, and you didn’t train for this type of job.”

  “Yes, I trained to keep myself safe whatever happened in my life.”

  “Someone’s hurt you badly.”

  When the waitress brought her tea and the meal, they stopped talking. They were at an impasse. She had to accept this case even if deep inside she was scared.

  Neither ate much. Cheryl did finish the hot tea, but it never reached the cold spot deep inside.

  “I’m following you home and checking out your place before I leave.”

  “I have an alarm, and I keep the doors and windows locked. It’s not needed.”

  “Humor me.” He stood and followed her to the truck. “We need to talk in private.”

  “I’m not sure what else can be said, but you’re welcome in my home.”

  He nodded and drove back to the gym. Once Cheryl was safe in her car, he got in his truck and stayed right behind her. Three vehicles back he recognized a red car he’d seen in the restaurant parking lot when they came out. It had looked out of place among the nicer vehicles.

  She’d told him to follow her to the condo’s parking garage. She had one guest spot beside hers. Heath kept his eye on the red car as they slowed and turned into the driveway to the garage. It was at the back of the condominium. The door went up and let them in. He saw the red car drove on by when they turned. He guessed, whoever it was wouldn’t give up waiting for an opportunity to grab Cheryl. The situation was even more dangerous than she thought.

  He stood beside her as the garage door closed and followed her closely into the elevator. Once inside the expensive condo, he glanced out the windows.

  “Come here,” he said and motioned to her. “Have you seen that old red car around when you are at work or home?”

  She bit her nail and leaned closer to the glass. “Maybe once, but it has no special marks on it so the one I saw might have been a different car.”

  “My instincts tell me it’s the same one, and they’ve probably had you in their sights since the first trial.”

  “Why haven’t they tried to do something?”

  “They’re planning to wait for the perfect situation.”

  “I can’t let them win. If I give up on this trial, then the next bad guys will think all they need to do is threaten me, and I’ll back off.”

  “In that case, you’d be foolish not to accept protection.”

  “No, I won’t let them think they can keep me from doing my job as usual.”

  Heath walked to the door. “You are the most exasperating woman I’ve ever known. Do you think you’re invincible? At least consider having a trained professional watching over you. Think about it. I’m leaving before I start shouting at you.” He slammed the door behind him.

  Pissed at himself for not succeeding in getting her to agree to protection, he drove home where he sat
in his truck going over in his head what he’d said and her reaction. He almost jumped when someone knocked on his window.

  Heath rolled down his window and snarled, “What the hell are you doing sneaking up on me?” he asked Gordy.

  “Wow, you’re in a bad mood. I noticed you’d been sitting in your truck for the last fifteen minutes. Is something wrong?”

  “Damn right. I’ve just been trying to talk some sense into the most stubborn female I’ve ever met.”

  “Most of them are, but you can love them anyway.”

  “Love them. You are so blinded by love or whatever that is.”

  “Want to fight? Cause another statement like that one, and I’ll pull you out of the car and beat some sense into you. Better yet, Cookie called, and they’re going to the beach to do some wrestling. It might be what you need to shake some sense into you.”

  “I’m the only one who has any sense. All you guys are falling like kingpins in the marriage market. Our job isn’t conducive to having a wife and family.”

  “Speak for yourself. We’re all happier than you. You should try it sometime. Experiment,” Gordy teased.

  Heath sat straighter in his seat. “That may be the answer. We’ll see.” Gordy moved back as Heath got out of the truck. “When’s the wrestling start?”

  “I’m leaving in an hour. You can ride with me.”

  “Thanks. Sorry for the foul mood.”

  “You need a nickname. Half of us still don’t have one. We’ve been waiting until we decided on a good one for each other. Bear’s fits him well and Kajika Ricker’s other name, Shadow, fits him perfect. I’m going to say Blaze is a great nickname for you. It doesn’t take much to set you on fire.”

  “Blaze, hmmm. I sort of like it.” Heath laughed at Gordy’s expression. “You were hoping I’d hate it.”

  “Go get ready. We leave in forty-five minutes.” Gordy waved and walked across the street to his house.

  Chapter 4

  After changing into an old shirt and long exercise pants, Heath started out to join Gordy. He grabbed his phone and stopped.