The SEAL's Surprise Bride_Special Forces_Operation Alpha Read online

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  “We’d have gotten here much sooner if I hadn’t mentioned that agreement.” He kissed her lips and down her neck where her heart pounded.

  As he pulled her shirt over her head, he leaned down and kissed her soft skin above her bra. Then he looked up and stared intently into her eyes.

  “I never thought Kayla’s annoying friend would find her way into my heart, but you did.”

  “At the party, I was attracted to you right off, but you let me know to keep my distance.”

  “Anyone I hooked up with at that time, I’d have been using for relief. I stayed away from all women, especially you.”

  “Why me?”

  “There was something about you. I couldn’t forget you even when I wanted, too. And then my team leader goes and marries your best friend.”

  Heath rolled her toward him and undid her bra, which he threw across the room. “Too much talking, too many clothes.” In seconds he had her naked.

  He got off the bed and undressed while enjoying the view of her unclothed body. “I used to dream about this when I was laying on the ground in the jungle.” Heath climbed back onto the bed. “My only fear was you wouldn’t be able to accept Wyoming.”

  Straddling her body, he leaned down and ran his tongue over and around her nipple. She shuddered with desire. His gaze roamed over her, soft as a caress.

  Then he leaned forward and kissed her lips, her eyelids, her cheeks, and nibbled on her jaw. “My lady lawyer has a strong, determined jaw.”

  Cheryl smiled. “I’m glad I have a strong jaw, or you’d run over me.”

  “Never. I respect you and your abilities. I’m impressed.”

  “Thank you. Now, are you going to talk to me all night or make love?”

  “Both,” he said and moved to kiss her neck. He kissed his way down to where her heartbeat throbbed against her skin.

  “I excite you.”

  “Yes, but don’t get a big head.”

  He tickled her, and she yelled out. “Stop! Make love to me.”

  “I am. Hasn’t anyone ever played with you first?”

  Her expression changed. “No, never. My ex-husband didn’t, and the few men later were interested in one thing only.”

  “What a shame. I’m glad I get to introduce you to seduction and lovemaking. Fun and seriousness. You’ve been deprived, my dear, sweet lady.”

  Heath slid down to her feet. He took his time massaging each foot and leg, and then he kissed her soft skin all the way up before stopping and rubbing his hands across the tips of her breast.

  His lovemaking was slow and easy, and by the time he’d put on the condom and slid inside her, Cheryl’s body shook with pleasure and warmth. It was as though he’d touched something deep inside that she’d never known was there.

  Cheryl wrapped her legs around his hips and moved her hips upward. His powerful thrusts in and out sent the blood racing through her body, her heart pounded, and she heard her scream when she went flying into space.

  Several more thrusts and he joined her. Wrapped in each other’s arms, they smiled, and Heath brushed a soft kiss over her lips and eyes. He rolled onto his back, taking her with him. Cheryl lay on her side, stunned by all the sensations gradually subsiding in her body.

  “Wow. If that’s what I get every time you return from a mission, maybe having you gone won’t be so difficult.”

  Heath wrapped her in his arms and kissed the top of her head. “Go to sleep. There’s more to come in the morning.”

  He was almost asleep when he glanced down at Cheryl’s sweet face. How did I ever think I could manage to not fall in love with you?

  Chapter 17

  When Heath awoke, Cheryl didn’t move. I expect the last few weeks have been exhausting for her. He quietly grabbed his exercise pants, shirt, and shoes before going across the hall to take a quick shower in the guest bathroom. Once dressed, he tiptoed outside and locked the front door behind him.

  The crisp, cool air invigorated him as he ran up and down the hills near his home. On the way back, he stopped at the local bakery and bought banana bread and apple coffee cake. Then he slipped into the house, put on the coffee and went to take another shower. He turned the water to cool and jumped when two arms came around him.

  Her soft laugh against his skin sent heat sizzling through his body. “You didn’t wake me.”

  Heath turned to face her. “You were exhausted. I let you sleep.”

  “When I woke, I missed you. Before I closed my eyes, you promised more to come in the morning.”

  Her sultry voice had his body humming with desire. “It’s still morning,” he whispered in her ear and ran his teeth across her earlobe. He stared at her face and saw excitement added shine to her green eyes and a rose color to her cheeks.

  “Shall we start now?”

  “In the shower?”

  “Don’t tell me you’ve never made love while showering.”

  “I haven’t.”

  Her breathless tone made him groan as his whole body ached for her. He put his hands on her waist. “I’m going to lift you so that you can put your legs around me.” When she did, he placed her back against the wall and bit the edge of her lip. Then he kissed her mouth, and his tongue slid inside, tasting and exploring the warmth and softness.

  Her hands ran through his wet hair, and she moaned more when his lips explored her neck. “Take me,” she said.

  “Not yet. To me, this is like when I take my time devouring a delicious dessert. You don’t want it to end too soon.”

  When he’d finished with her neck, he moved her upward and his chest back enough to slide his teeth across her tightened nipples. Her moan made liquid heat race throughout his body. He was harder and hungrier for this woman than he could ever have imagined.

  When he thrust hard into her liquid heat, her sheath tightened around him and intermittently tightened and pulsed against him. Her eyes were glazed when she moved her head so she could kiss him.

  Cheryl had hoped for this reaction after she stepped into his shower. But, when she’d found herself alone in bed, she feared he’d changed his mind in the light of morning. It took all her courage to step into the shower and snuggle against his hard, warm back. When he turned, the light in his eyes reassured her.

  As he pounded into her, her heart beat rapidly in her chest, and an exhilarating hunger for this man made her tremble.

  Heath stopped for a second. “Am I hurting you? I felt your body shake.”

  “No, don’t stop. I’ve never had these feelings. They’re new and wonderful.”

  He cupped her face in his hands. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” But for a second, she feared the words came from their lovemaking. Would they both fell the same when they weren’t in the heat of the moment?

  “Did I lose you. Your mind wandered off.”

  “No, just savoring the moment of us here together.”

  He chuckled. “Then I’ll continue.”

  He did, and Cheryl was both happy and frightened. When he gently let her legs down and held her close, she wondered, Will this last? And if it doesn’t, how can I pick up the pieces?

  After dressing, they went into the kitchen. “I can’t believe you bought both banana bread and coffee cake. If you keep this up, I’ll get fat.”

  “I doubt that. I’ve seen your mom and dad. Neither are overweight. Even if you did, you’d still be you.” He touched her cheek. “I fell in love with the inside of you.”

  Cheryl shook her head. “If anyone had told me you’d ever say such nice words to me, I would have said they were crazy.”

  “You didn’t like me much at first.”

  “I did, but Jackson said you weren’t ready for a relationship.” Cheryl shrugged and grinned. “I wasn’t either.” She ran her hand down his bare chest. “I just wanted to play with your sexy body.”

  Heath grinned. “When you offered the possibility for a casual relationship when leaving the hospital after seeing the new baby, I almost
contacted you to see if you meant it. But you were hands-off territory, being a friend of Jackson’s wife.”

  Heath grabbed his cell when it rang.

  “We were just talking about you,” he said and then listened. “Hold on. I’ll ask Cheryl. Jackson’s having a celebration party tonight at his house. Want to go?”

  “Yes. I can see Kayla and Jacob.”

  “She’s coming to see your wife and child, and she just added she wants to thank everyone who helped rescue her. She’s already thanked me quite nicely.” Heath grinned when she punched him in the arm. “We’ll see you at six.”

  He hung up the phone and stalked her until she stood against the wall. Then he pulled her tight against him and kissed her long and hard. “If you want to eat, you’d better hurry. I have more punishment in mind,” he teased.

  “Watch out, or I’ll be punching you all the time.”

  Laughing, they both sat to eat just as Heath’s stomach grumbled.

  When they finished, Cheryl suggested they drive to the beach. “It’s too beautiful a day to stay inside.”

  Nodding his agreement, she watched as he went outside to get the cooler for drinks and snacks. When Heath came back, she stood looking out the window.

  “I thought you’d have on your bathing suit by now, in case you decided to take a swim.”

  “The water’s too cold, but I’ll enjoy the sunshine and wading at the edge.”

  Heath leaned down to look into her eyes. “What’s up? You look sad.”

  “No, just tired. The walk will do me good.” Cheryl knew from his expression he doubted what she said was truthful, but he let it go.

  “I’ll grab some suntan lotion for you and a shirt for me. Fill the cooler with drinks and whatever snacks you’d like.”

  They didn’t talk on the drive. After parking and finding a spot for the cooler and their beach towel. Heath took her hand. Her heart raced at his touch.

  I am such a fool. I let myself fall in love with him. But this could be a reaction for both of us from all that happened.

  “You’re deep in thought,” Heath said as they walked to the edge of the water. “And you don’t look happy.”

  Cheryl stopped and dug her toe into the sand. Looking down, she asked, “How can we be sure we’re in love? We’ve gone through a harrowing experience. You’re the nicest man I’ve met.” She looked up into his face. He showed no emotion. Looking off into the distance, she added, “I mean, how does anyone know this is the one for certain? Since we’ve known each other, our lives have not been normal.” She turned her head and looked at him.

  “You’ve been brave through all this ordeal. I’m surprised that you aren’t as strong when considering our being together permanently.” He shook his head and let go of her hand.

  “Go for a walk. I need to sit and think.”

  Cheryl started to say something, but he’d already turned to walk toward the large towel he’d spread on the sand. A cool breeze blew off the water, causing her to shiver. Tears welled in her eyes. Have I ruined everything? He’s right. I am frightened. I’ve always run away from my feelings. She brushed her foot across the sand and then started to walk.

  When my uncle died, instead of dealing with the grief, I pursued the type of men who’d caused his death. But after each successful trial, it was never enough. She stopped walking when Heath was a dot in the distance.

  After removing her shirt and sitting on it, she closed her eyes and let her mind wander. My first marriage was an impulsive act. A lawyer in the same firm, a comfortable union, or so it seemed until he hit me the first time. Mom and Dad stood beside me during the divorce. Before him, I admired and loved my uncle. He let me down. How can I trust my personal decisions when they’ve been so wrong in the past? But, with Heath, I feel protected, loved, and I’m not afraid of him.

  She glanced back down the beach and didn’t see Heath. Panic had her jumping up and running toward where she’d last seen him. Tears ran down her face. I do love him and trust him. I’ve been stupid again, but in the wrong way. Thinking of losing him shattered her. At the beach towel, she sat and pulled her legs up wrapping her arms tightly around them. She gasped realizing she was on the verge of a panic attack.

  Heath watched her walk away from him.

  Damn, am I being rejected twice? I swore I’d never let this happen to me again. This time it’s going to hurt like hell. Allie’s betrayal hurt my ego more than my heart, and it happened right after losing my good friend, Deke. But this will be a deeper hurt and different. My heart is completely involved. I’m not letting her go easily. This time I’m staying put and fighting for what I want.

  He grinned to himself. Damn, I’m in love. Maybe this was the right time for her and me to slow down and think about the seriousness of our decision.

  Heath stood and walked toward the truck. He’d left the suntan lotion on the seat. She’d need more on her, or she’d burn. Rubbing lotion on her back will give me a chance to tell Cheryl how sure I am in my love with her, and that I won’t let her go.

  He grabbed the lotion and started to walk back toward the towel and their cooler when he saw her sitting there. She was crying and shaking.

  Heath ran toward her and knelt at Cheryl’s side. “What’s wrong. Did someone scare you or did you get hurt?” He looked at her body, trying to find any place where she might be injured. There were no cuts or bruises.

  When she looked up at him, she forgot any words she might have said, stunned by the love she saw in his eyes. Heath enveloped her in his arms.

  “You won’t scare me off so easily. I’m here to stay. I’ve been trying to find you all my life.” He kissed her cheek and hugged her. “I stumbled a few times, and luckily discovered my mistake before marrying them.” He pulled her hair to the side and kissed her neck.

  She moved around to face him. “I was wrong. As I walked, I realized I’ve been living in fear for many years, mainly since my uncle died.”

  Heath held her hands tight. He leaned forward and kissed her.

  “Let me finish.”

  He nodded, and she continued. “I never finished grieving for my uncle. He was my avenging sword to take down all the men like the ones who’d killed him.

  “And then I married, not for love, but for companionship, and we were in the same profession. We talked about starting our practice someday. So, the marriage was also for my career. Everyone liked him. He was an up-and-coming attorney. We’d be the perfect pair.”

  “You didn’t trust your judgment in men, and yet you came to Aces Bar and Grill. Underneath all that denial, you did want a happy relationship.”

  She laughed through her tears. “I told myself I’d never fall in love with a SEAL, because of their size and their ability to hurt me. And yet, when I saw you sitting alone, inside me something stirred. I couldn’t forget you.”

  Heath stood and pulled her up and held her close. “We’d both been fools, but no more. We’re in love, and we are staying married.” He looked into her eyes.

  “Yes, even if I do end up in Wyoming and become a cowgirl.”

  Heath carried her toward the car. “Let’s go home and make love until it’s time to attend the party and celebrate getting the last of the bad guys for you.”

  “I know they won’t be the last bad ones. I’ll leave the others for you and your team.”

  When he sat her in the truck, he leaned in and kissed her lips. Then he kissed her ring. “I’m glad the jeweler was right.”

  “Me, too, lover. Take me home.”

  Have you read the first book in this series?

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  Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby

  Books by Rachel McNeely

  Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby

  His Intriguing Imposter

  The Persistent Suitor

  The Rouge Suitor

  The Warrior Suitor

  The American Suitor

Noble Suitor

  The Earl’s Undaunted Bride

  The Duke’s Unexpected Bride

  The Duke’s Blind Temptation

  Sandstones Ghostly Secrets

  Bewitching the Marquis

  About the Author

  Born in Florida, Rachel McNeely’s early dreams included being a movie star. Of course, it didn’t happen. Later, she escaped into daydreams full of fascinating stories. Her friends had to endure her reading those tales to them when she began to put them to paper.

  There were detours in her life for marriage, children, and going back to college. But, she continued to be an avid reader and dream of the day she’d have a book published. Once her children were grown and she had time to write, she joined a writer’s group and her dreams of writing and publishing came true.

  As you know, this book included at least one character from Susan Stoker’s books. To check out more, see below.

  Delta Force Heroes Series

  Rescuing Rayne (FREE!)

  Rescuing Aimee

  Rescuing Emily

  Rescuing Harley

  Marrying Emily

  Rescuing Kassie

  Rescuing Bryn

  Rescuing Casey

  Rescuing Sadie

  Rescuing Wendy

  Rescuing Mary (Oct 2018)

  Rescuing Macie (April 2019)

  Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Series

  Justice for Mackenzie (FREE!)

  Justice for Mickie

  Justice for Corrie

  Justice for Laine (novella)

  Shelter for Elizabeth

  Justice for Boone

  Shelter for Adeline

  Shelter for Sophie

  Justice for Erin

  Justice for Milena

  Shelter for Blythe