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The SEAL's Surprise Bride_Special Forces_Operation Alpha Page 11
The SEAL's Surprise Bride_Special Forces_Operation Alpha Read online
Page 11
“I know.” Blaze took a deep breath. “I’ll try to behave.”
“At least it doesn’t sound like he’s hurt her. She’s holding her own. Ready to go in and rescue her?” Alec asked.
The door slammed open. Both Hayes and Cheryl jumped. The Judge reached to open his drawer, and Zane ran toward Alec and Blaze with his teeth showing. When he heard Blaze’s voice, he stopped short of knocking them down.
“I wouldn’t try that, Judge Hayes. I’d love to have an opportunity to wound you. I won’t kill you because I want you to go to trial, to face disgrace, and to rot in prison,” Blaze growled. He rubbed Zane’s head and turned to Cheryl. “Are you all right?” his voice softened as he walked toward her.
Tears started running down her face. “I am now.” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.
“Cut it out, for now, you two lovebirds. Let’s get this guy and his cohorts in jail.” Alec grinned. “Then you can celebrate.”
Blaze wiped her tears away with his finger. “I’m proud of you. You’ve been brave.”
Cheryl laughed through her tears. “I knew the SEALs would rescue me. I’m so glad my SEAL got back to help.”
“Me, too.” He put his forehead against hers for a second and then turned to join Alec in guarding the Judge.
“Judge, we’re going to tie you up. Then we’ll talk with your men downstairs and find out if they know for sure when you plan to start loading the container onto a ship.
“I don’t think you’d tell us the truth, but they’re scared, and when promised the court might be more lenient on them, they’ll sing out all your secrets,” Blaze said.
Alec began to tie the Judge to his chair as Blaze held a gun on him.
“My men will never help you,” the Judge said as he tried to struggle against being tied up.
“Oh, yes, they will. The type of men you employ always take the easy way out. Inside, most of them despise the big boss. They’d be loyal to the one in jail and the one on trial, but never to you,” Blaze said and grinned.
Judge Hayes struggled against the bindings, and he tried to talk through the cloth Alec wrapped around his mouth.
“If you struggle, the bindings get tighter,” Blaze said. It wasn’t true, but Blaze knew this man would believe him and imagine it tightening.
“Zane and I will stay here until you send one of my men upstairs to take my place,” Alec said to Blaze. “Take Cheryl with you and have one of the men drive her back to the base. Have the others stay downstairs.”
Blaze looked at his cell phone. “The Captain sent a message about Wolf and his team. They’ll meet us right outside this housing area. Then we’ll all hideout near the boatyard to take down the rest of this gang when they arrive to help get the container on board whatever ship they’ve hired.”
When Hayes started to struggle, Alec and Blaze grinned. He immediately stopped, perspiration pouring into his eyes. Alec laughed and moved toward the door.
Blaze whispered, “He believed me that the bonds are tightening when he struggles.”
Alec nodded. “It makes my job easier. “Go on. Notify the Captain what has happened. Have him send a man to replace me. I don’t want to miss the fight at the boatyard,” he said louder and grinned when Hayes frowned.
“Will do. See you soon. Keep Zane here. I think Hayes might enjoy his company.”
Blaze picked up Cheryl and carried her toward the stairway. All the time, she kept saying, “I can walk. I’m fine.”
“I know, but I like holding you. Hush, and let me enjoy feeling you safe in my arms.”
“The men will think I’m weak. At least let me walk down the steps.”
He let her body slide down against his. He put his finger under her chin and tipped it upward. “You are a dazzling, potent, and powerful woman.” He kissed her and let her do as she wanted. When she stepped off the last step, Blaze flung the door open before Cheryl had a chance to respond.
The SEAls grinned when they saw her. “Who will take her to the base for me? You can join the rest of us at the boatyard afterward,” Heath said.
All their hands went up. Blaze beamed down on her. “Looks like you have many friends and protectors. Maybe I ought to be jealous.” The men laughed and shook their heads.
One said, “We don’t want to make an enemy of you, Blaze.”
“Good. Mack, you drive her but watch out for trucks.” Blaze turned to Cheryl and pulled her into his arms. Then he thoroughly kissed her. “I don’t want you to forget me.”
“Wait until I get you home,” Cheryl teased. “Thanks for embarrassing me.”
“Hah, my lady, nothing embarrasses you. And I love that I can make you blush.”
“Yes, but not often.”
The men were grinning as she waved goodbye and walked toward the door with Mack.
“Remind him to look out for trucks,” one of the men yelled.
Mack motioned back to the men and said, “I was laughing about something and almost got hit by a Mack truck. Hence the nickname.”
Cheryl turned and waved. “I’ll watch out for trucks, too.”
Once the outer door closed, Blaze huddled them together and explained the plan.
“Is Judge Hayes the head boss?” the SEAL to his left asked.
“Yes. Who would have thought the Judge would get away with it for so long? Once a few police get here, we can head for the port. They’ll come in an unmarked car and in plainclothes. We don’t want anyone who might be watching to send the others a message about trouble.”
“Sounds good,” another SEAL said. “It’s getting a bit boring around here.”
“Don’t worry. I suspect we’ll have lots of action at the port.”
Chapter 15
Cheryl was talking with Mack one minute and the next a large pickup side-swiped them on the driver’s side. Mack was knocked out.
“Mack are you, all right?” Cheryl reached for her phone, but before she managed to punch in a number, two men threw open her door and grabbed her. One held his hand over her mouth as they dragged her fighting to their car.
“Let that woman go!” a man yelled and ran toward her.
One of them pulled out a gun and shot him. They slung Cheryl into the back of a nearby car and took off. She glanced back and saw the man lying on the sidewalk and the empty truck still against the side door of the car she’d been riding in. She reached to try and open the back door beside her, but the handle was gone.
The driver had been looking in his rearview mirror. “You won’t get away that easy.”
“How did the Judge contact you?”
“You and your friends thought you were smart, but he had a hidden button on his desk where his foot or leg could reach it. It was special. We knew if he used it, he’d been taken in his house and to watch the house closely.”
“Pretty clever idea for such jerks,” Cheryl said.
The man sitting in the front passenger seat turned toward her with his left hand holding a gun. Just what she’d hoped he’d do. She grabbed his wrist and bit down hard while reaching for his gun. His grip loosened for a second and she took it. The driver looked back, swerved and ran into a parked car. Before either had any chance to get to her, she shot them both, one in the chest and the other the neck.
“Next time you won’t assume a woman is helpless and not tie her up.” She grinned as she climbed out of the back seat.
A person who had seen the wreck had called the police. Is wasn’t long before a police car came around the corner at high speed with the sirens on.
The police officer got out with his gun drawn. “What’s going on here?” Seeing the gun Cheryl held, he yelled, “Put the gun down and your hands up.”
Cheryl knelt and placed the gun on the sidewalk. “I was kidnapped by those two men. I managed to get one of their guns and shot them, so I could get free.”
“Likely story from a little woman like you.” The cop looked her up and down.
“Call your police chief. Ask the Chief if he’s aware of what’s happening early in the morning? Tell him it’s Heath Kenyon’s wife.”
“I think I’ll take you in, first.”
“You must call him, now. Lives are in danger.” She lowered her voice. “Would you want to be responsible for hundreds of innocent women taken overseas and sold?”
He hesitated and then took out his phone. Cheryl breathed a sigh of relief.
“Yes, sir,” the officer said after he’d explained what had happened. “He wants to speak with you.” He held out his phone.
“Hello,” Cheryl said. She listened, then said, “Yes, sir, it’s all true. There’s a big action to take place, and we believe the bad guys know something is up.”
Cheryl held the phone out to the officer. “He wants to speak with you.” She listened to the policeman say, “Yes, sir,” several more times. When he hung up, he handed Cheryl her phone. “The Chief said he’d call Captain Buchanan. You’re to call the Judge’s house and tell the SEAL who answers about being compromised, and also, that police are on their way.” The police officer walked over to check the crashed car. “I’ll call an ambulance and a wrecker.”
Cheryl walked a distance away from the crowd that had gathered, some using their cellphones to capture the scene on video. She couldn’t worry about that now as she dialed the Judge’s number.
Cheryl recognized Alec’s voice. She relayed the message from the Police Chief. “We were sideswiped by a large truck. I was kidnapped but got free. I’m not sure whether Mack is all right. They grabbed me and left him in the wreckage. I’ll ask one of the bystanders to take me back to where Mack was left. It’s not too far.”
“No. Stay there and have the responding officer get another cop to take you to check on Mack. Understand?”
“You want me to miss all the fun.”
“I don’t want us to be distracted worrying about you.”
“Okay.” She hung up as two more police cars came up. She asked them to take her to the previous accident.”
“We were just there. The man is on his way to the closest hospital. He’s seriously injured. We’ll take you to the hospital.”
“Thanks.” On the way, she explained how the accident happened.
“I’m glad we got to speak with you. There was no one around the truck, and we thought whoever hit the car had taken off running.”
Cheryl didn’t reply. She looked out the window and then closed her eyes. I can’t believe all that has happened. All the men are in more danger now. She reached to use her phone when it rang.
“Oh, Captain. I’m so glad to hear from you.”
“You are a hero, my dear. Your news got to me just in time. I’ve got everyone in place watching to see if the gang got the Judge’s alarm, and I contacted our SEALs overseas. They’re going to start sooner.”
“No hero, I just wanted to be safe and hopefully get the news to you in time.”
“A perfect mate for Blaze.” He laughed, and added, “You can keep him straight.”
“I’m headed to the hospital where they took Mack. A policeman is driving me, and another car is following.”
“Let me speak to your driver.”
Cheryl handed over her phone. “Captain Buchanan would like to speak with you.”
Keeping his eyes on the road, he took the phone from her and listened. “Yes, sir, I’m sure it will be all right for me to stay and protect her and the wounded man until your people arrive. Okay. Yes, sir.” He handed the phone back to Cheryl.
“Stay at the hospital,” Buchanan said. “Once this is over, I’ll send Blaze for you, and I’ll get Mack transferred to our Navy hospital. We’ll keep a guard on him until I’m certain he’s well enough to take care of himself.”
“I’ll wait for Heath.”
Shadow stared at the palm trees to the left of him. He’d swear he saw a figure darting between them. Otto had gone behind the container and was lying on the ground. Shadow checked, and Otto appeared to be asleep. His phone vibrated. It was a message from the Captain.
The FBI is sending men to help us and to get information from the gang members once they’re arrested. They’ll take them to the FBI quarters and take over from then on.
After he typed a quick message back, Shadow checked on Otto again. He hadn’t moved. It gave him a chance to walk around the row of containers and come up behind whoever was out there.
When the moon went behind a cloud, Shadow ran for the cover of trees further south of where his visitor was sneaking closer to the trailer.
“Damn,” he whispered under his breath. The person was female. What the hell is a woman doing out here tonight of all nights? I’ve got to catch her before Otto sees what’s going on.
Shadow quickened his pace but stayed out of sight. Up close, he almost swore out loud. What the hell? How could Anya be outside? She couldn’t have gotten away without us seeing her.
He crept close enough to grab Anya by the waist and put a hand over her mouth. After placing her on the ground, he tightened his legs around hers to stop any further movement.
“Who the hell are you?” he asked in a low voice. “You look like a woman in that container I was standing beside. Are you related? I’m going to take my hand off your mouth. If you yell, my buddy will hear you, and he’ll be very pleased to add you to the women inside.”
She nodded her head, indicating she understood. Slowly, Shadow moved his hand.
“I think my twin sister is inside with those other women.”
“She is, and I must say she’s very feisty.”
“We’re twins, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, but she’s much braver than me.”
“I disagree. You put your life on the line to find her.”
“Is Anya all right?”
“So far, yes. What’s your name?”
I’m Anais. Please let my sister go. I promise we won’t say anything to anyone.”
“Anais, I can’t do what you want, and you need to get out of here. I have a friend nearby. He won’t hurt you. Go to the sidewalk and head west. His name is Bear. I know that sounds funny, but it is. He’ll take you to safety.”
“My car is two blocks away. I’ll be careful and get back to it. I don’t need your friend’s help. You all may put me in the container, too.”
“If I wanted to, I’d already have done it. If someone tries to grab you, do you have a gun?”
With shaking hands, she pulled out a large revolver from the sack she’d dropped when he grabbed her.
“Do you even know how to use it?”
“No, it’s Anya’s. She’s the one who practices and knows how to defend herself.”
“For now, take my knife. You might have better luck with it than the gun if you get into trouble. It’s sharp. Be careful but keep it in your hand and the gun in the other. I can’t leave, or I’d walk you to your car.”
“Just save my sister.”
Shadow nodded and immediately got on the phone to Bear. She doesn’t trust anyone meeting her, and she’s got my knife and a gun she can’t shoot. Be careful but watch and grab her if anyone else tries to apprehend her.”
“We’ll see she gets in her car safely.”
“Thanks, I’ve got to get back to the container before Otto wakes up.” Shadow circled back toward the container. Otto hadn’t moved.
What a coincidence that Anya has a twin sister. These guys would have gotten a lot of money for twins. Even though they look alike, I can see a difference.
Anais appeared softer than Anya, but she dared to come out and look for her sister. There’d been a moment when she had tilted her head and looked directly at him. The moon shone on her face, and even though I couldn’t see the color of her eyes, there was something serene and compelling about them. An oddly primal warning sounded in his brain. I’m going to find out what makes her so compelling to me.
Shadow’s phone vibrated. He noticed Otto hadn’t moved. Slowly, he walked off several
steps and answered. “What’s up?”
“The gang might know something isn’t right and could arrive at any time. Take out the guy with you. Everyone’s been warned and are discretely heading in your direction.”
“I’ll take care of Otto now.”
“Good. Be careful. Hide. The others may want to take you out first.”
“Will do. I’m glad it’s almost over.”
Otto woke about the same time Shadow shut off his call.
“You ought to have awakened me,” Otto said as he stretched.
“Why?” Shadow shrugged. “I was wide awake, so I let you sleep. It was quiet. Nothing happened.”
“Don’t tell Murphy. He’d beat the hell out of me.”
“No problem. I don’t plan to tell Murphy anything.”
“You’re a good guy. What time is it?” Otto asked.
“Three. I thought the time would never get past two o’clock. It’s been a slow night.”
“Yeah, we’ll make sure someone else has the graveyard shift next time.”
“Do you all do this work all the time?”
“I think the boss wants one more trailer sent out, and then we’ll stop, at least for a while. Boss thinks the authorities may be on to us.”
They stood quietly for a few minutes, and then Shadow turned toward Otto.
“I’m not sorry about this.”
Otto faced Shadow. “What?” Before he had a chance to say more, Shadow punched him in the jaw and stomach. Once he was down and out, Shadow tied him up, gagged him, and took his gun. Then he hid Otto behind the container.
Shadow walked to the front and opened the door. Most of the women were passed out. Anya raised her head and moved toward the opening.
“Can you use a gun?”
“I thought so. Your sister said you knew how.”
“Anais came here? Is she all right?”
“I’m glad I found her and not someone else. She’s a brave lady, too. I’ve got to get back outside. Use this gun if the need comes up, but don’t shoot me. When the women hear shots, I hope you can keep them calm. I’ll leave the door cracked open for more air.”