The SEAL's Surprise Bride_Special Forces_Operation Alpha
The SEAL’s Surprise Bride
Special Forces: Operation Alpha
Rachel McNeely
About the Book
As a prosecutor in the State of California’s District Attorney’s office, Cheryl Buckley has made it her mission to take down bad people, defying death threats and intimidation. Naturally, she leaps at the opportunity to strike another blow against a gang who’s dealing in nefarious crimes. She’s not aware of the full scope of the gangs’ criminal dealings, but she refuses to let fear rule her life and believes she can take care of herself.
SEAL Lieutenant Heath Kenyon is used to dealing with the worst the world has to offer and always coming out on top. A stubborn, intelligent, infuriating woman who won’t accept help when offered is way outside his comfort zone. She makes his blood boil…and not always in anger.
When the death threats become terrifying action, there’s only one thing Cheryl can do— go along with Heath’s crazy plan to save her life. So why does it feel like she’s a moth dancing too close to a flame?
To all my family, friends, and writing friends, who have held me up, comforted me, and believed in me through a most difficult time in my life.
Thanks to:
My editor: Raina Toomey, for showing me how to how to make my story better.
Cover Artist: Pat Dengate, for all your patience to keep trying until you found just what I wanted.
To Susan Stoker, who made it possible to get this book published and has been so nice and helpful. Thank you so much.
And last, but not least, thanks to Amy Hrutkay for all your assistance in helping me get all the pieces together for my book’s launch.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.
No part of this work may be used, stored, reproduced or transmitted without written permission from the publisher except for brief quotations for review purposes as permitted by law.
This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please purchase your own copy.
Chapter 1
Weary after a difficult mission, Heath Kenyon, one of the SEAL team members, was glad to be on his way home. He glanced around the plane at his buddies. Most were asleep, except his boss, Jackson “Bear” Langley.
Heath moved across the plane to sit by Bear. “I’m glad this mission went off without any kinks in it.”
“Yeah, short and sweet, that’s the way I like them.”
“You must be looking forward to getting home to your family.” Heath leaned his head against the bulkhead of the plane.
“Something on your mind?” Bear asked.
“You said Cheryl refused any protection before we left. She believes she can take care of herself.”
“You and I both know that’s not true. She’s a stubborn woman,” Heath said.
“Why are you so worried? I thought you didn’t like Cheryl.”
“I don’t dislike her and anyway we never want to see anyone hurt.” Heath frowned at Bear. “I’m going to try and convince her before our next mission to accept help.”
Bear grinned. “Still, you appear more concerned than I’d expect.”
Heath closed his eyes. Am I getting too involved? She is Kayla’s friend. That’s the only reason I care. Yeah, right. Damn, the woman gets under my skin, and I’m beginning to like her smart sass. I’d better watch my step, or all the team will be teasing me. I’m tired. Once I’m home and rested, I’ll check on her, but I sure as hell won’t let the other guys know what I’m doing.
“Prepare to land,” the pilot spoke over the intercom.
Once the plane stopped and the door opened, Heath stood back and let the married men go first. Their wives ran out to greet them. They’d all meet at Aces Bar and Grill tonight, except for Bear. Heath planned to sleep all afternoon and join his team later. Maybe the sassy blonde might be there.
Cheryl looked up from her desk as her boss, Darrell Putnam, entered her office and sat in the chair across from her.
“Last night, the SWAT team brought in Rocco Zaiden’s second in command, his brother, Lucas. He’s been handling their illegal enterprise since Rocco was put in prison.
“You did so well with Rocco’s case, that I’m considering putting you as lead attorney on this one. It might be dangerous. Their gang won’t like it if you manage to put both brothers in jail. Do you want the case? It’d be a step-up for your career if you succeed.”
“I did get some threats after the first trial, but nothing I couldn’t handle.”
“I can arrange police protection for you.”
“I know. But I don’t feel the need for it at this time. Can I give you an answer on Monday about taking the case?”
“Sure, I’ll send Hank down to do the preliminary work. We’ll announce the lead attorney for the case Monday morning.”
“Who gets it if I don’t take the job?”
“I’ll give it to Hank. He’s good, too, but you are especially talented in the courtroom.”
“You don’t need to butter me up. I want the job, but I need to talk with a friend first.”
“All right.”
It was five and time for her to go home, although she seldom left the office on time except when she didn’t have a difficult case. I’d better enjoy one of my last free nights. If I do take on this case, I’ll be working late a lot. Maybe I’ll go to Aces Bar and Grill, although it’s not as much fun without Kayla. I miss having her to go out with me to Aces, for dinner, or to a movie, but I’m glad she’s so happy.
Later, when Cheryl opened the door to her condominium, the silence seemed more poignant than usual. She’d lived alone since she got out of college, and thought she’d gotten used to it. Of course, the condo was still new to her. When it became available, she’d impulsively bought it.
Before Kayla married, it was convenient and fun for us to be living near each other. But after Kayla moved I thought the condo would feel cozier than the larger house, and I’d be in a better location for getting back and forth to my work.
Cheryl placed her purse on the counter between the kitchen and living room. Then she turned on the television. She didn’t want to miss the six-thirty newscast and hear how the police had captured Rocco’s brother. But first, she’d stick a frozen meal in her microwave and change clothes for going out later.
Heath had to admit he had difficulty not watching the front door into Aces. Marcel Palmer laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
“You’re trying to act like you aren’t watching for someone. Who is she, and when did you meet her?”
“I didn’t meet anyone. Just thought Bear and Kayla might show up tonight.”
“Why would this evening be any different than any other first night back? Bear never comes out before tomorrow.”
“You’re full of questions. Bear’s married now. Maybe he’ll change his routine.”
“Damn, you’re right. There’s Bear and Kayla now.”
“Welcome.” The men stood and pulled two more chairs to the table.
“Kayla’s Mom’s visiting. She leaves tomorrow, so we thought this was our one chance to have a night out for a whil
e,” Bear said.
“Glad to have you join us. How’s the little one?” Marcel asked.
“Getting bigger every day,” Kayla said. “I think he must know he’s expected to be a SEAL one day,” she said with a grin.
“Damn right,” Hawke said. “We whisper it in his ear whenever we visit.”
The group laughed and didn’t notice when Cheryl entered the bar. She was alone and glanced around the room.
“Kayla isn’t that your friend, Cheryl, standing in the doorway?” Heath asked.
“Yes, it is. Jackson, please go get her and bring her to the table.”
“I’ll get her a chair.” Heath grabbed a chair from the table behind him and put it between him and Marcel.
Marcel grinned and shook his head. “Another one bites the dust.”
The others didn’t hear him. Heath frowned and mouthed the words, “Fuck you.” He stood when Cheryl got to the table. He pulled out the chair beside him.
“We get to sit side by side. You think we can be civil for the evening?” Cheryl asked, grinning up at him.
“I’m always civil. But I don’t fawn over you as you expect.”
“Dear me, there you go trying to start an argument. I don’t expect fawning or anything. But it’s nice at times.”
Heath sat back and observed her. She’d worn her hair up tonight, and the lights made it shine like gold. Her green eyes reminded him of the green grass of summer, but it was her short-sleeved, low-cut blouse that got most of his attention.
“If you don’t want fawning, you might wear more conservative clothes.” He held back from grinning at her reaction, her green eyes had darkened, and she frowned at him.
“I didn’t say I don’t like attention. I’m not an old lady yet. Why not show what I’ve got while I can.”
“With the wrong person, it might be dangerous.”
“I can take care of myself.”
“So, I’ve heard.”
“I’m going to the gym tomorrow to practice with my trainer. Join me, and I’ll prove it.”
He chuckled. “That’ll be fun. What time?”
“One o’clock.” She gave him the address.
“You’re on.”
“Since you’ve kept me here talking and everyone else is dancing, get up and dance with me.”
“I may step on your feet.”
“I’m brave. I’ll give you a try.”
The band played a slow number, and when Heath put his arms around her, she had to fight herself not to cuddle her body against his. He smelled of some sexy cologne. His strong arms held her gently and not near as close as she’d like.
What’s wrong with me? I like to tease Heath and annoy him. But he’s too strong, and in a relationship, most of the SEALs like to always be in command. I need to start going somewhere else to look for a man to have a relationship with and not repeat my first mistake.
“You’re deep in thought. I spoke, and you didn’t hear me.”
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I complimented you. I’m not going to repeat it since you weren’t even aware of me.”
“Oh, I was very conscious of who I was dancing with, and you are a good dancer. You lied.”
“Perhaps. I don’t dance much.” The music stopped, and they headed back to their chairs.
When Cheryl sat, she turned to him. “I saw you dance with your lady when you two were dating.”
He frowned. “I don’t discuss my personal life with others.”
“A touchy subject. You aren’t over your last girlfriend.”
“I am. Leave it alone.”
“No, problem. I’m going to trade chairs with Glenn. I want to talk with Kayla.” She stood. “See you at the gym, unless you change your mind.”
Glenn joined him. “I watched you two and thought for a minute you were getting along. I must have been wrong. It appears you two are like oil and water. You don’t mix well.”
“Cheryl wanted to talk with Kayla.”
“It gives me a chance to tell you I’m leaving this unit and going to team Four,” Glenn said.
“I hope it’s not because I joined, and it made the group larger.”
“Nope. I was glad you did. I have a good friend, new to the SEALs. I’d like to be on his team and help him adjust.”
“I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.”
“You guys are great, and you joining us helped make my move happen sooner.”
“Good, I’m glad I wasn’t pushing you out. I hope you like the new team.”
“I will. I know some of the guys already.”
Heath glanced around the table and saw Cheryl and Kayla’s heads close together as they talked. Kayla looked upset. Wonder what Cheryl’s up to now? He ordered one more beer before heading home.
Chapter 2
Birds chirping in the pre-dawn woke Heath. He showered, put on his running clothes and headed outside. Most of the neighborhood was still asleep.
It was cool and sunny. The type of day Heath liked most when he planned to run. Thoughts of his meeting with Cheryl ran through his head. He had no doubt she knew the basics and considered herself ready to handle anyone. But there was something about her cockiness or self-assurance that appealed to him. Despite trying not to like her, he did. After his last experience, he didn’t want any drama. At least with her, he knew he’d get sassiness and overconfidence.
When he got home, his phone was ringing. “Hello, Kenyon here.”
“I never knew your last name, or I forgot it.”
Cheryl’s sexy voice came through the phone, and his body was instantly alert. “Are you calling to cancel our appointment this afternoon?”
“Were you hoping I was?”
“Not particularly.”
“I called to suggest we meet at ten if that’s not too early for you, and I’ll buy you lunch afterward.”
“I’ve never had a woman offer to pay for my meal. I can’t refuse.”
“Good. I’m going to Kayla’s, and then I’ll see you at the downtown gym.
“I’ll be there.” Heath clicked his phone off and went into the kitchen. He’d have a light breakfast and open the windows to air out the house. He’d wear casual clothes to the gym and carry his exercise shorts with him.
A lawn mower’s motor sounded loud in the quiet neighborhood. Heath glanced out his front window. Gordy Rand, one of his SEAL team members who lived across the street, was cutting his lawn. Heath headed out the door to talk with him and get a cup of coffee. Gordy’s wife, Jackie, made the best cup in town.
Cheryl drove up and parked in the driveway of Bear and Kayla’s house. Kayla must have been watching for her, as she opened the door before Cheryl touched the doorbell. She held Jacob in her arms.
“Come in. We’re sitting outside in the back.” Jacob held his little arms out to Cheryl. “I can’t believe how close you and Jacob have become. He adores you.”
“That’s because I usually bring presents, but I don’t have one today.”
“Good, we don’t want him spoiled.”
“He’s the sweetest baby. Having you two for parents, he’ll be spoiled whether the rest of us bring presents or not.”
Kayla nodded her head in agreement. “I know we’re so bad about seeing things we want to buy for him.
“I hope you don’t mind that I asked Jackson to join us in our conversation. I never keep secrets from him. Your situation is something he knows more about than either of us.”
“I did hope he wouldn’t be involved. Jackson will instantly start saying I need a bodyguard.”
“You do. When you told me about possibly doing another high-profile gang case, and this one is the brother, I knew we needed his advice.”
“All right, but I make my own final decision.”
“Of course. Go on outside. I’m going to put Jacob down for his nap.”
Bear stood when Cheryl walked toward him. He hugged her and pulled a chair over. “You’re looking good,” he said and winked.r />
“Don’t be annoyed because Kayla told me what you said last night.”
“I’m not, but the situation gets more complicated with too many others giving their opinion.”
“We both have your best interest at heart. Why do you want this case? Kayla said your boss gave you a choice.”
“He did. But it can be a real career boost for me if I put this gang member in jail, too.”
“It won’t help you much if they kill you,” Bear spoke sharply.
“Trying to scare me?”
“No. I hoped to make you see how much danger you’d be putting yourself in.”
“OK, you two. Cool it,” Kayla said as she set down a tray with three cups of coffee and a plate with slices of banana bread. “And I made the bread myself.”
Kayla sat close beside Cheryl.
“Quite the little homebody,” Cheryl teased as she took a cup of coffee and helped herself to a slice of the bread.
For a few minutes, they didn’t talk. Cheryl glanced around the lovely yard and watched the ripples on the pool created by the breeze. Glancing at her watch, she saw she only had about thirty minutes before she headed to the gym.
“So, I gather Jackson hasn’t been able to convince you to turn down this job,” Kayla said. “I never thought you were ambitious enough to want to put yourself in danger.”
“I didn’t, either. Still, with this opportunity, I might be able to run for the district attorney spot in a few years.”
“You want to be a politician?” Bear asked, a surprised look on his face.
“Why not? I’d make a hell of a lot more money.”
“But you have money from your grandparents’ estate.” Kayla looked at her, puzzled. “And money has never seemed that important to you.”